Percentage Change: is calculated by dividing the change with original and multiplying with 100
Here are two ways to calculate a percentage change, use the one you prefer:
Method 1:
Step 1: Calculate the change (subtract old value from the new value) |
Step 2: Divide that change by the old value (you will get a decimal number) |
Step 3: Convert that to a percentage (by multiplying by 100 and adding a "%" sign) |
Note: when the new value is greater then the old value, it is a percentage increase, otherwise it is a decrease. |
Method 2:
Step 1: Divide the New Value by the Old Value (you will get a decimal number) |
Step 2: Convert that to a percentage (by multiplying by 100 and adding a "%" sign) |
Step 3: Subtract 100% from that |
Note: when the result is positive it is a percentage increase, if negative, just remove the minus sign and call it a decrease. |
ILLUSTRATION: A pair of socks went from Rs 5 to Rs 6, what is the percentage change?
Answer (Method 1):
Answer (Method 2):
ILLUSTRATION: Population in a country in the year 2010 was 99000 and in 2009 it was 90000. Find the percentage change.
Sol : Population in 2009 = 90000.
Population in 2010 = 99000.
Change = 99000 - 90000 = 9000
A candidate who gets 20% marks fail by 30 marks but another candidate who gets 32% ,marks gets 42 marks more than the minimum pass marks.the maximum marks will be | |||
Right Option : D | |||
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A sells his goods 10% cheaper than B and 10% dearer than C.if a customer of B purchases goods worth Rs 100 from C,how much will he save? | |||
Right Option : A | |||
View Explanation |
The population of a town is increased from 175000 to 300000. Find the increase percent in the population. | |||
Right Option : B | |||
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It was good as the experience because as we had come here we had been improved in a such envirnment created here.Extra is taught which is beneficial for future.
It has a great methodology. Students here can get analysis to their test quickly.We can learn easily through PPTs and the testing methods are good. We know that where we have to practice
I have spent a wonderful time in Abhyas academy. It has made my reasoning more apt, English more stronger and Maths an interesting subject for me. It has given me a habbit of self studying
Being a parent, I saw my daughter improvement in her studies by seeing a good result in all day to day compititive exam TMO, NSO, IEO etc and as well as studies. I have got a fruitful result from my daughter.
About Abhyas metholodology the teachers are very nice and hardworking toward students.The Centre Head Mrs Anu Sethi is also a brilliant teacher.Abhyas has taught me how to overcome problems and has always taken my doubts and suppoeted me.
Abhyas is a complete education Institute. Here extreme care is taken by teacher with the help of regular exam. Extra classes also conducted by the institute, if the student is weak.
One of the best institutes to develope a child interest in studies.Provides SST and English knowledge also unlike other institutes. Teachers are co operative and friendly online tests andPPT develope practical knowledge also.
Abhyas Methodology is very good. It is based on according to student and each child manages accordingly to its properly. Methodology has improved the abilities of students to shine them in future.
It was a good experience with Abhyas Academy. I even faced problems in starting but slowly and steadily overcomed. Especially reasoning classes helped me a lot.
My experience with Abhyas is very good. I have learnt many things here like vedic maths and reasoning also. Teachers here first take our doubts and then there are assignments to verify our weak points.